Thursday, September 10, 2009

Letter Love

My darling boy and I regularly send each other letters and other random postal goodies - While I am the queen of the epic length letter, he's much (much!) better at the random goodies than I. One day soon I shall recap some of the fabulous things I have received from him via mail.

Recently we stopped actually sending the packages and started hand delivering them. A step down on the fun factor, but a highly practical move considering the cost of postage. Every now and again I'm sure things will arrive in the post to keep in the spirit of things, but for now I'm happy with our new method.

For his birthday I found a collapsible box and an art journal, we now write our letters in the journal and include the goodies in the box. It's incredibly handy and it's great to be able to look back at our correspondence to-and-fro!

This has all been an aside to the actual point of my entry.... One of the most recent random bits of goodness the boy gave me was a zine by dawn tan called 'I love my sandwiches! I really, really do!'.

It's an adorable little zine all about sandwich adoration with stunning artworks to accompany nine days worth of sandwiches! I was very impressed and have found another local artist to look out for.

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