(note: this was written on Thursday, but I've postponed the post until Sunday so I don't ruin the surprise for James)
I've been fiddling with origami lately, never something I've been particularly good at previously and so hadn't given it a second thought in an age. My passion, however, was reinvigorated while trawling the internet for some crafty ideas for 'manly' flowers as a gift for James.
I could find nothing that wasn't either fluffy or feminine until I found this website, it's got video tutorials and all sorts of awesome patterns. I settled on a mix of the lotus and lucky stars wired together to look like a bunch of flowers with buds. The only problem is I haven't stopped... I've been showing off my 'mad lotus skillz' all day and I'm fast filling a bowl with lucky stars!

At least my whole day wasn't spent folding paper... I also went op shopping and got a bunch of cute stuff for Elli and myself. I haven't got photos of my clothes yet, but I'll give you a run down of my score:
Spent - $43
Got -
For Elliotte: A Fairy dress (birthday present), a pink and red pinstripe skirt (also a present), an adorable denim dress (again, present) and a green formal dress that she's using to play princesses right now.
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