Monday, September 7, 2009

Fresh Start... Again.

Every few months I think about attempting this 'blogging business'. It always seems like the logical step, I love reading other peoples' blogs and I love writing. It just makes sense. But then life gets in the road and I don't update for a week, a few weeks... all of a sudden it's slipped off my to-do list entirely and I can't remember my log in details. I've had all the excuses under the sun for why I stop but never for why I don't just start up again.

So here I am - kicking myself in the butt, again, and re-trying to maintain my own little corner of the interwebs.

My past attempts have generally had a 'theme' - hocking my wares, talking about my current obsession, documenting my life... This time we're going to throw it all in the mix, give it a stir and see what happens.

I'll probably write a lot about the every day trials of being the mother of a wonderful almost 3-year-old (...and carer to two teenagers, a dog, a cat and six goldfish). There'll also be updates on my crafting attempts, possible hocking of said crafting attempts, photography (if I can convince this hunk of electrical bits that calls itself a computer to upload them) and many many posts about the random things I am loving at any given time.

wish me luck and here's to hoping this one sticks.

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