Tuesday, December 22, 2009

it's been 3 years....

I've been sorting through files on my old computer. Filing photos and documents in their respective new, tidy system. I've been getting very quickly distracted from this task, it's like a digital trip down memory lane.

This photo was taken christmas morning 2006. The time has gone both fast and slow - she was only a month old in this shot, now she's a walking, talking, singing and dancing little person. wow.

So much and yet so little has happened. We're back in this house, you wouldn't know any different if you hadn't been around. But we've moved 3 times since then and are gearing up for a 4th next year. Hopefully this coming move will be our last for a while. I want to put down some roots and feel that the place I'm living is my own. It will be a surreal and blissful experience, and one that I intend to savour for a long time. We've been waiting for this quite a while.

The poor little miss is unwell currently with sniffles and a cough, here's to hoping it clears by christmas. I don't want her day to be marred by constantly reaching for tissues and feeling all round miserable.

I'm almost sorted for the festivities, but the sickness did knock us back a bit. I've still got a handful of groceries to grab and about 4 presents. Then it's time to bake bake bake - should be interesting if the weather continues to warm up.

My little model on the right here has taken to 'borrowing' one of my many pairs of sunglasses and posing for the camera... I could almost start a trendy photo journal 'kids in sunglasses', a different pair every day. (I think this idea may just be a desperate excuse to purchase more eyewear...)

I must get to bed, I was there earlier but it just wasn't working for me so I got up for a roam about and ended up here.


Monday, December 21, 2009

last day of christmas shopping

I'm pretty excited that I'm on the home stretch for finishing my christmas shopping, both presents and groceries. I'm about to make my last trip out today and then, hopefully, I won't have to venture out again.

Just a short note to get myself back into the swing of posting regularly...


not even going to try appologies...

So, I'm slack, slack, slack. This we all know is a fact, fact, fact. (yay for semi-rhymes!)

I'm renewing my dedication to the blogging world. My baby sister is heading to the other side of the world for a college scholarship. This means the next FOUR years are going to be Stef free! And this is a very stream-of-consciousness way for her to keep up to date with the goings on in our world. Especially the antics of her number 1 niece miss elliotte.

She leaves in 2 and a bit weeks and I'm miserable just thinking about it. But I won't restart my writings on a depressed note. So let's all be excited for her adventures to come and my (hopefully) more regular blog posts!

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